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During my professional career, I had an opportunity to work with many people who were able to ask questions. Many of them could ask good questions, but only a few were able to ask the RIGHT question. Asking the RIGHT questions is an art. It’s a skill that is super rare; however, it ignites other brains, sparks curiosity, and supports growth.


A couple of years ago, I participated in a cross-functional meeting where representatives from different functions tried to solve a significant business issue. We asked dozens of good questions; however, none of the answers took us any closer to finding a solution to our problem. After two hours of discussion, we were stuck and flat on energy. Some participants were demotivated and distracted by other small things. At some point, after a short bio break, one of the quest persons in the room raised her hand and asked a question. When she finished, there was silence in the room, and we could even hear our heartbeats. We knew that she asked the RIGHT question. Suddenly, the majority of people in the room had their a-ha moment and started working with new energy on the issue. Asking the RIGHT question was like a turning point during that meeting and took us closer to finding a solution for our business problem. This anecdote underscores the transformative potential of asking the RIGHT questions and the avenue it opens for intellectual stimulation.


When we ask good questions, we show our curiosity as we seek information or insights. The problem is that those questions could be obvious or repetitive. They do not push us out of our knowledge zone or comfort zone. Asking good questions is not a stimulation for intellects or a challenge for the current paradigm. It’s like scratching the surface.

Asking the right questions is like an elevation of our thinking to a different level where we could unveil essential insights or core truths. It leads to asking not just “What happened?” but also “Why did it happen, and what insights can we glean from it?” The intellectual power of asking the right questions will lead us through complexities towards deeper understanding or a solution.


It’s easy to promote asking the right question, but many of us struggle to practice it in real life. Here are some techniques to help you ask the right questions effectively:

  1. GATHER BACKGROUND INFORMATION – Before asking a question, make sure you have a foundational understanding of the topic or issue. This prevents you from asking irrelevant or uninformed questions.
  2. START WITH “WHY” – Clearly understand your goal and what you hope to achieve by asking questions. Knowing your objective will guide you in formulating relevant inquiries.
  3. USE THE FIVE WHYS TECHNIQUE – Ask “why” multiple times (usually five) to delve deeper into the root causes of an issue. This technique is commonly used in root cause analysis.
  4. CONSIDER 5 Ws’ and 1 H – Start your questions with Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How. These questions can be a great starting point for many inquiries.
  5. BE CURIOUS AND NON-JUDGMENTAL – It will encourage others to engage in a trustful dialogue. This encourages open and honest responses from others. Ask as many questions as possible. It will help you understand the problem and the context fully, and you will be able to dive into the issue.
  6. LISTEN ACTIVELY – Pay close attention to the answers you receive. Follow up with additional questions based on the information provided to gain deeper insights.
  7. USE THE SOCRATIC METHOD – This method involves asking a series of challenging questions to stimulate critical thinking and encourage the person you’re speaking with to think outside the box.
  8. LEARN FROM OTHERS – Identify individuals who are skilled questioners, whether in your workplace, community, or through various media. Observe how they frame their questions and the impact it has on the conversation. Analyze their techniques and incorporate them into your approach.
  9. JOIN DISCUSSION GROUPS – Participate in discussion groups, forums, or workshops where asking questions is encouraged. Engaging in conversations with diverse perspectives allows you to practice asking questions in different contexts and enhances your adaptability.

In conclusion, the ability to ask the right question is not just an available skill; it’s an art that can transform discussions, deepen coaching experiences, drive intellectual growth, and spark curiosity.

In a world where information is abundant, the skill of asking the right question impacts competitive advantage. Posing the right question is about continuous improvement, exploration, problem-solving, and fostering a mindset. It’s about opening doors to new possibilities.


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