A thought on… BEING A ROLE MODEL

When leaders achieve success in business, they become the focus of many others. People seek to understand their secret to success and aspi to replicate or follow their  leadership journey. This could revolve around qualities such as integrity, perseverance, compassion, innovation, leadership behaviours, courage, or inclusion. Role models demonstrate these traits in action, serving as living demonstrations of what is attainable.

We would be better off if, instead of merely discussing our journey, we acted consistently in accordance with our beliefs each day. Anyone can deliver on inspiring speech or engage in a conversation about being a role model, but what truly matters is WHO we are and WHAT we do.

Instead of talking about it or presenting slides detailing our journey, let us BE about it. Let us Be role models every day, in every interaction, during every meeting, and in every challenging circumstances.

Actions speak louder than words. So, let us not only talk about it but also BE about it.


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